047. Chapter Checklist 4

1. Define and give examples of experiments, outcomes, and sets.

2. Describe and provide examples of the three approaches to probability.

3. Define and give examples of events that are mutually exclusive, collectively exhaustive, independent, and complementary.

4. Use Venn diagrams to identify intersections and unions.

5. Construct frequency tables and probability tables

6. Clearly cite when and how the two rules of probability should be used.

7. Explain when and how conditional probability is required and how it relates to Baye’s Rule.

8. Define and give an example of a random variable.

9. Describe, define and give an example of a probability distribution.

10. Distinguish between a discrete and a continuous distribution.

11. Calculate the mean and the variance of a probability distribution.

12. Identify and determine when to use each of the distributions discussed in this chapter.

13. Calculate the probabilities associated with each of the distributions discussed in this chapter.

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